Journey to Center on Empower Radio
Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D. is a Holistic Life Counselor and the author of Manifesting Prosperity From The Inside Out and Manifesting Love From the Inside Out. Dr. Tammi is an expert on relationships, prosperity, healing and health, from a psychological as well as spiritual perspective -- it all starts within: by respecting, honoring and loving ourselves, the world loves us back. Tune in for conscious conversation, exciting guests, empowering tools and real-life techniques to expand and your mind, your heart and your world on Journey to Center.

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
As we give so shall we receive, this is true energetically, and about money too! Dr. Tammi and Penny Orloff talk about a simple practice that supported both of them in shifting from poverty to great wealth, and how this is not only possible, but actually available to you as well!

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Beauty Experts Carla Miller and Dr. Tammi talk about setting the intention and taking the time to celebrate, nurture and love ourselves, so that we feel better, look better, experience a more beauty- filled life, and bring more light and beauty to the world.

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Do you feel stressed because you don’t know and aren’t in control? Dr. Tammi and Charla Miller talk about how we can relax into faith, invite and accept guidance from The Universe, and then naturally allow the ‘flow of life’ to carry us to ease and enjoyment!

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Have you yielded to God? Do you trust that you are loved? If not, would you like to claim a life of greater peace, faith and ease. Dr. Tammi talks about how she has done this in her own life and how you can do it as well!

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Is the voice in your head your friend and cheerleader? Or an antagonist and belittler? Dr. Tammi talks about befriending your inner voice, claiming what is wonderful and unique about you and evaluating, healing and lovingly integrating any qualities you judge.

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Are you in the process of transformation? Or would you like to evolve into something beyond where you are? Sabine Gedeon survived against incredible odds and now assists others in learning from their challenges and claiming their power, beauty and purpose.

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Dr. Tammi shares six foundational principles, and simple practices we can participate in so we can claim a more empowered, peaceful and grace-filled life. She also offers a couple of supportive, free, guided meditations so you can claim this reality for yourself.

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Living from the place of “Edging God Out” can be painful. As we learn to make friends with our ego, and live a more soul-based life, not only do we feel better, we attract better things, and bring more light to the world. Dr. Tammi addresses this subject and shares things we can do to claim this transformation for ourselves.

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
When we are struggling financially life can feel scary. Dr. Tammi talks about a “sure fire way” to create more abundance and opening the space in our lives to attract more money; it is a spiritual law that cannot fail, and the surest way to move our lives in the direction of prosperity.

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Losing someone we love can usher us into a deep despair and intense grief. This happened to Mike Anthony when he unexpectedly lost his beloved father, but then through mediums, “coincidences” and profound experiences, he was informed, his father didn’t die after all! Mike shares some of his story and research to substantiate his now deeply held belief, which can change every human being’s experience of death and beyond.