Journey to Center on Empower Radio
Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D. is a Holistic Life Counselor and the author of Manifesting Prosperity From The Inside Out and Manifesting Love From the Inside Out. Dr. Tammi is an expert on relationships, prosperity, healing and health, from a psychological as well as spiritual perspective -- it all starts within: by respecting, honoring and loving ourselves, the world loves us back. Tune in for conscious conversation, exciting guests, empowering tools and real-life techniques to expand and your mind, your heart and your world on Journey to Center.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
If you would like to reduce your stress, and experience more clarity, balance and harmony in your life, Dr. David Kundtz shares wisdom and tools to support us in tapping into the wisdom, peace, and Truth that we all carry within.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Do you feel you have more to do than you have time to do it? Dr. Tammi talks to Dr. David Kundtz about simple things we can do to “reset’ so we can navigate our busy lives in a more peaceful and productive way.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Though our souls are timeless and eternal, all of us as human beings fall into “soul-age categories.” Dr. Tammi talks about these categories and how we can choose to ascend in our maturity, take greater responsibility, become more spiritually powerful and align with Our Divinity.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
As we harness the power of commitment, we can attain our goals. However, external success does not always equal internal fulfillment. As we commit to loving ourselves, and invite God to the party, we create a solid foundation, activate our soul’s purpose, come into Divine Alignment, and subsequently manifest a life of sustained happiness.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Though some might say we live in a “fractured world” as we take responsibility to heal ourselves we can help heal the world. Michelle Welch shares wisdom and tools to support us in becoming more empowered, healed, whole and the superheroes of our own lives!

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Do you sometimes feel down on yourself and overwhelmed? Do you judge yourself for not being different than you are? Dr. Tammi talks to empath and former attorney Michelle Welch about how being sensitive can be a great gift, how we can better care for ourselves, and live a magical life we love.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Grief is one of the more painful, complex and challenging emotions, but avoiding or denying it can cause further problems. Claire Willis shares wisdom about to be with our own grief and how to most effectively support others who are walking through grief.

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Loss, whether a career, a friend, a spouse or a pet can usher in profound grief. Dr. Tammi talks to bereavement counselor Claire Willis about how to feel through, heal through and learn from our grief, so we can open our hearts wider and shine our light brighter in the world.

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
We are here to grow as souls, and sometimes growth can be painful. And because what we resist persists, and as we fight against what hurts, we attract more of what we do not want. Dr. Tammi talks about how we make friends with the growing process and traverse our challenges with more grace, ease and ever-expanding joy.

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Do you feel you are living more from your head or your heart? And are you ready to open your heart so you can live a more empowered, fulfilling and joy-filled life? If so, Dr. Tammi and Jeff Fasano are here to support you as they share tips, tools and wisdom to encourage, inspire and uplift you!