Journey to Center on Empower Radio
Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D. is a Holistic Life Counselor and the author of Manifesting Prosperity From The Inside Out and Manifesting Love From the Inside Out. Dr. Tammi is an expert on relationships, prosperity, healing and health, from a psychological as well as spiritual perspective -- it all starts within: by respecting, honoring and loving ourselves, the world loves us back. Tune in for conscious conversation, exciting guests, empowering tools and real-life techniques to expand and your mind, your heart and your world on Journey to Center.

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
If you are ready to manifest more of what you want, Lacie Caves and Dr. Tammi talk about raising our upper limits and “expanding our inner container” so we naturally begin to receive more goodness, grace, prosperity, worldly and otherworldly support.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Sometimes what seems illogical from the perspective of the mind, is a strong prompting from the soul. Lacie Caves and Dr. Tammi talk about how to navigate unchartered territory, discern the “right thing to do” and the qualities we need to “leap into the unknown.”

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Do you know God is for you and life wants to bless you? If not, perhaps you would like to experiment with and experience a life of grace, goodness, Divine partnership and joy. Dr. Tammi talks about her path from grief to grace, and how you can make this our journey as well. She also shares a prayer and blessing to support and guide you with peace, ease and with great love.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
In a society that reveres youth, the desire to stay young is prevalent, however, each of us has the power to make personal choices and make the rest of our life the best of our life. As we find role models and “increase the fun factor,” not only do we improve the quality of our lives, look better and feel better, but also radiate joy, upliftment and empowerment to others and the world.

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
When those we love enter the final chapter of their lives, it can be confusing to know what to do, how to do it, and how best to support them. Kelly O’Connor, an award-winning elder care consultant, shares her wisdom, personal experiences and expertise on how to navigate and make the most of this potentially challenging, rich and wonderful human opportunity.

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
We all want to be happy, and we deserve to be! On this episode of Journey to Center, Dr. Tammi talks about why so many people sacrifice their happiness in order to be right. She also offers a gift of a guided meditation to help you relax into the space of peace, comfort, and lasting joy.

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
If you are ready to manifest a life of success and joy, it is important to make friends with the subconscious mind. Dr. Tammi and C. James Jensen talk about how to most effectively use the power of affirmations and how to harness the wisdom and power of the superconscious mind to manifest your deepest desires.

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
The rules of the game done seem to be the same for everyone on this planet, but according to C. James Jenson, everyone has the ability to cultivate a relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind, which in turn can help all of us expand, become empowered and experience greater opportunities, happiness and success.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
If you are ready to realize and share your greatest gift with the world, Dr. Tammi talks about what this is AND how to do it! There is a "you shaped piece of the puzzle" that only you can fill, and as you relax into this shape, you will be a magnet for the gifts and goodness God wants to bless you with.

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Whether you would like to hear and receive messages from angels and guides through human beings who know this realm well, or would like to do this for and within yourself, Michael McAdams is here to assist anyone who is open to receive support. Michaels Mother, Wilma Jean Jones, began to receive teachings in 1977, and Michael is here to continue to pay this priceless gift forward.