Journey to Center on Empower Radio
Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D. is a Holistic Life Counselor and the author of Manifesting Prosperity From The Inside Out and Manifesting Love From the Inside Out. Dr. Tammi is an expert on relationships, prosperity, healing and health, from a psychological as well as spiritual perspective -- it all starts within: by respecting, honoring and loving ourselves, the world loves us back. Tune in for conscious conversation, exciting guests, empowering tools and real-life techniques to expand and your mind, your heart and your world on Journey to Center.

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
If you would prefer to feel peaceful rather than powerless, Michael McAdams says we all have divine helpers ready to support us. His mother, Wilma Jean Jones, received teachings directly from the spirit realm and faithfully took dictation for 22 years. Michael’s intention is to help as many people as he can and share these timeless and empowering messages with the world.

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Do you know the blocks to your life of prosperity, love and joy are internal? If you are ready to know what these blocks are and remove them, Dr. Tammi is having this conversation with you and for you! She shares a bit about how she discovered and removed her blocks, and went from a confusing life riddled with pain, to a life of grace, ease, peace, and great love, and how you can too!

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Have you ever wondered about arguments in your head? Or why you feel different at different times? Though it may initially seem strange, we all contain “different selves.” Jordan Gruber helps us better understand how opening our mind to this reality can make us happier, healthier, more awake, more aware and ultimately more whole.

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Do you know who you are? The truth is, you are not just a single self, but rather a symphony of selves! Everyone of us has multiple selves, each is valuable in its own way. Jordan Gruber helps us go deeper into self-discovery, offering the opportunity to understand, embrace and empower all of who we are.

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
If we live our lives without the ability to hear or heed our intuition, we will inevitably be lead "off track." Dr. Tammi talks about why we want our intuition in the drivers seat, how to get it there, and the ways this will increase our experience of guidance, grace, ease and joy.

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Why and how do horses heal? Equine-partnered life/career coach, writer, speaker, and healer, Kate Neligan talks about the transformation that occurs through the human-animal bond, and the empowering and unexpected magic of horses!

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Sometimes our human plans are not compatible with our soul’s plans. However, if you want to be truly happy, it is important to allow the soul to lead. Dr. Tammi and Kate Neligan talk about their ambition and successes and how this led to their greater passion and true purpose - and how you can set this intention and invite this experience for yourself!

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Many would agree we live in challenging times, but it is possible to live a life of peace, comfort, prosperity and great love. In order to do this, we must have clear, strong, healthy boundaries. Dr. Tammi talks about what this means, how to claim them, and offers a free gift to support, uplift and empower you.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
You have more power than you think and can ripple out healing energy beyond your imagination! Energy Expert, Pamela Aloia, discusses methods and practices to assist us in clearing, healing and protecting ourselves, as well as an actual "pink light healing" practice during this empowering episode of Journey to Center.

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
On some level we are all connected and our energy can be affected by one another. If you are ready to take greater responsibility for your energy, feel better, look better and enjoy life more, Pamela Aloia shares empowering information about how energy clearing can positively influence you, your life, others and the world.